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The Snow Queen

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who informed the girl about a boy marrying a princess?
A crow.
What parts of the boy's body were pierced by the pieces of mirror?
His eyes and heart.
The snow queen inspired a famous Disney movie. What was it?
The boy died in the end. True or False?
What helped the two friends guess the word at the end of the story?
The girl's teardrop / tear.
What made the boy's frozen heart melt at the end of the story?
The girl's tears.
What word did the queen want the boy to guess?
The girl met a robber girl who had an animal. What was it?
A reindeer.
Did the boy marry a princess in the story?
Who helped the girl look for the boy using her garden flowers?
A fairy.
What kind of vehicle came to the boy's town one day?
A sledge.
What happened right after the mirror entered the boy's heart?
He changed his behavior towards Gerda.
What was the boy and the girl's relationship?
friends / neighbors
What was the boy's name?
What was the girl's name?
Who built a magic mirror?
A wicked goblin.