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Revision (SpeakOut C1 - Units 1-5)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jessica and Laurence decided to take a break from revising and go to the café for half an hour. Laura, yet while/meanwhile, decided to stay at the library and continue studying.
Far ______ to lose a fight whilst standing up for your convictions, than to lose one without defending your principles.
If you ______ me, Daldry’s performance tonight was mediocre at best and a complete disappointment. I had such high expectations.
What does the word "hazard" mean? He hazarded a guess.
to offer (a statement, conjecture, etc.) with the possibility of facing criticism, disapproval or failure.
It was interesting to see how Graham’s _______ (conceive) were challenged when he first met my wife, who had originally come to this country as an asylum-seeker from Iraq.
Make an adjective from the word "Inquire" with the meaning "Too curious; overly interested; nosy."
Explain the phrasal: to bear in mind
to be mindful of or consider something
Explain the phrasal verb: to beat around/about the bush
to avoid talking about what is important
Whatever you do, don’t give Sue any hint of the surprise or you’ll ______ the game away!
Too often we forget that many people in this world face severe penalties for sharing their opinions because they don’t have the right to _______ of speech in their countries.
It’s a shame Selma isn’t here today. ONLY _________________________ here today.
If only Selma was/were
Explain the word: a sweatshop
a small factory where workers are paid very little and work many hours in very bad conditions
What does the word "discern" mean? I could just discern a figure in the darkness.
to see, recognize, or understand something that is not clear
What does "brush off" mean? He thinks many consumers brush-off any responsibility for promoting unethical production processes.
to refuse to listen to what someone says, or to refuse to think about something seriously
What does "adept" mean? She's very adept at dealing with the media.
having a natural ability to do something that needs skill.
What does "averse" mean? Few people are averse to the idea of a free holiday.
strongly disliking or opposed to
What does "well off" mean? Her family was very well off.
What does "impervious" mean? He is impervious to criticism and rational argument.
If someone is impervious to something,they are not influenced or affected by something
Explain the word: self-absorbed
only interested in yourself and your own activities
What does "vivacity" mean? Jacqui enjoys Clare’s vivacity and is in awe of her boundless energy.
the quality of being vivacious (= attractively energetic and enthusiastic)
What does the phrase "a blue-eyed boy" mean? Matthew remarks that Maria’s brother has always been the blue-eyed boy as far as their parents are concerned.
a boy or man who is liked very much and is treated well by someone, especially someone in authority
What does the word "cagey" mean in this sentence: Leah doesn’t understand why Fred’s so cagey about his musical abilities and only discovered he was such a great pianist after hearing him play.
reluctant to give information
Explain the word: a dark horse
a candidate or competitor about whom little is known but who unexpectedly wins or succeeds.
Explain the word: a black sheep
a member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to it. "the black sheep of the family"
Explain the word: a chatterbox
a person who likes to chatter.
Explain the word: a wallflower
a person who has no one to dance with or who feels shy, awkward, or excluded at a party.
Explain the word: a busybody
a person who is too interested in things that do not involve them