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TWWND Chapters 4 and 5

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How does Adam feel at the end of the story?
He thinks Star Street is very friendly
Who does Maria say they will invite to their party?
Why do the neighbours decide to have a party?
To welcome Adam’s family to the street
What does Maria find in the shed?
Bunting and other things for a party
Why didn’t Star Street win the competition?
They were in their back gardens when the mayor arrived
How does Maria manage to get out of the shed?
The neighbours pull open the door together
Why does the mayor leave Star Street?
There is no one in the street
How did Maria get shut in the shed?
The wind blew the shed door shut
Where does Maria find Fifi?
In Jack’s shed
Why does Jack think Fifi might have gone inside his house?
The door is open
Who disappears at the end of the chapter?
How do Maria and Adam make the street look nice?
They sweep up the rubbish
What does Maria offer to show Adam?
The secret door
How does Jack decorate the broken window?
He paints a picture of Fifi on the board
What does Adam’s dad say that Adam will do?
Pay for the window
How does Maria cheer up the people in Star Street?
She confesses about the cake
What delays the mayor?
The offer of cake
Who does Maria ask to delay the mayor?
The café owner
When Maria went to find Adam, where did she find him?
At her front door
Why did Maria decide to make friends with Adam?
She felt very unhappy about everyone arguing