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What would you say if....

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather have your favorite musician perform a private concert just for you or have front row seats in a huge stadium?
Would you rather go for a ride in a race car with a professional driver or in a helicopter?
Would you rather have your own movie theater or your own arcade?
Would you rather take a vacation to the mountains or to the beach?
What would you do if you see your friend stealing from another person?
If you could time travel, where would you go?
What would you be if you could transform into any animal?
What would you do if you could only pick one food to eat forever?
What would you do if you never had to sleep again?
You were invited to your friend's house for pizza, and you were supposed to bring some grapes. You totally forgot, so you arrive at your friend's house with nothing.
Your friend said, "I just got a new job!!"
A classmate you don't know that well said "There's a party at my house on Friday. Do you want to come?"
Your friend said "I had a terrible day at school."
Your friend said "I'm feeling kind of sad today."
A friend asks you how your weekend was, but your weekend was not pleasant - you were sick and not feeling well, and you didn't have time to clean up your room.
You call your beauty salon and ask to make an appointment for a hair cut with your hair stylist, Julie. The person who answers the phone says that Julie no longer works there.
Your boss asks you to do an extra job that you have no idea how to do.
Your friend wants to go see a movie you already saw, and you really don't want to see it again, and you want to go see Frozen 3 instead.
You see someone hit your coworker's car when he pulled out of the parking lot. Your coworker doesn't know about it.
You see your boss in the hallway at work, and you really really need to talk to him, but he is talking to someone else right now.
Your friend asked if you liked her new haircut, and you really don't, but you don't want to hurt her feelings.
You tripped and knocked your friend's soda off the table. They did not see it happen.
Your brother said you took his 20 dollar bill, but you actually didn't - but you did see it on the washing machine.
Your friend asked you if you would help her shop for a gift, but you have an eye doctor appointment at that time.
You were chatting with your friend on the phone, but your mom started yelling "Come wash the dishes!" from downstairs.
You ran into someone you used to go to school with, but you forgot his name.
Your friend introduced you to her brother.