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Talking about the future

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The play ________ until 10, so we have plenty of time.
doesn't start
won't start
isn't starting
isn't going to start
Which platform ________ from?
does the 4.15 train leave
is the 4.15 train leaving
is the 4.15 train going to leave
will the 4.15 train leave
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: The conference will finish at 2.30.
The conference finishes at 2.30.
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: What time are you going to finish lessons tomorrow?
What time do you finish lessons tomorrow?
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: What time is the plane landing?
What time does the plane land?
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: In next week I'm having a test on math.
Next week I'm having a test on math.
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: They are go to do more sports this summer.
They are going to do more sports this summer.
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: Will she gives you the message when she sees you?
Will she give you the message when she sees you?
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: Are you see your doctor this weekend?
Are you seeing your doctor this weekend?
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: I don't think I will can finish this report for Monday.
I don't think I'll be able to finish this report for Monday.
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: I just realized I am really thirsty. I am going to drink some juice.
I'll drink some juice.
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: Look at this beautiful blue clear sky. It will definitely not rain today.
It isn't going to rain today.
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: My intention for this year is that I will save some money for holidays.
This year I'm going to save some money for holidays.
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: Do you think in the future people are watching less TV?
Do you think in the future people will watch less TV?
CORRECT THE SENTENCE: Tomorrow at 5 a.m. I will travel to Moscow.
Tomorrow at 5 a.m. I'm traveling to Moscow.
________ a scary film, I'm already scared after watching the first ten minutes.
It's going to be
It'll be
It's being
It is
If you see Jane this morning ________ her I miss her, please?
will you tell
are you going to tell
are you telling
do you tell
The prime minister ________ the president of the USA next week. It was arranged a month ago.
is meeting
will meet
is going to meet
Oh, that’s a real mess. I think ________ you with the cleaning today, mum.
I'll help
I'm going to help
I'm helping
I help
Look, that child ________ the sandwich in a moment. It's too big for him.
is going to drop
will drop
is dropping
My parents ________ to Hawaii the day after tomorrow, they bought tickets online.
are flying
will fly
are going to fly
________ married next month. Everything has already been arranged by my future husband.
I'm getting
I'll get
I'm going to get
I get
At the end of the school year ________ the best at geography in our school, he studies so hard and he's already won three competitions.
he's going to be
he'll be
he's being
he is
I think the prices ________ again this year. I'm not an expert on economy but it's my prediction.
will go up
are going to go up
are going up
go up
________ a good student this semester Mrs. Jenkins, I promise.
I'll be
I'm going to be
I'm being
I am
We expect the show to be very good. || We think the show ... very good.
We think the show will be very good.
The work day is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. || The work day ... at 9 a.m.
The work day starts at 9 a.m.
She has arranged to fly to Spain on Monday. || She ... to Spain on Monday.
She is flying to Spain on Monday.
Dan is planning to visit his grandparents in America. || Dan ... visit his grandparents in America.
Dan is going to visit his grandparents in America.
I’m expecting to see her next week. || I think ... her next week.
I think I will see her next week.
The timetable says that the train should arrive at 4 p.m. || The train ... at 4 p.m.
The train arrives at 4 p.m.
His plan is to travel to Thailand first. || He ... travel to Thailand first.
He is going to travel to Thailand first.