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Inequalities Practice

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete this sentence: Never gonna make you
Name one of the solutions to this inequality: 5x + 4 < -6
x < -2
An elevator has a maximum weight capacity of 2,000 pounds. If there are already 3 people on the elevator that have a combined weight of 460 pounds, how many pounds can be added to the elevator?
1540 pounds or less
1540 pounds or more
less than 1540 pounds
more than 1540 pounds
Which inequality is equivalent to -3x + 4 > -5?
-5 < 4 - 3x
-5 > -3x + 4
4 - 3x > 5
3x - 4 > 5
Which shows the graph of the solution to the inequality 2x + 4 < -3?
Solve for m:
m ≥ -14
Solve for k:
k ≥ -4
Solve for x: -4x + 32 > -4
x < 9
solve for x:
x ≤ -5
Which option shows x < -6?
Which option shows x > -15?
What inequality would represent this situation? Children 3 and under get in free.
x ≤ 3
What inequality would represent this situation? The temperature is at most 60 degrees.
x ≤ 60
What inequality would represent this situation? "Free shipping if you spend $100"
x ≥ 100
What inequality would represent this situation? Airplanes must not fly higher than 45,000 feet.
x ≤ 45,000
What inequality would represent this situation? Jim took at least 30 pens from Dwight’s desk.
x ≥ 30
What inequality would represent this situation? Pam made fewer than 100 copies this month.
x < 100
What inequality would represent this situation? The frog hopped for more than 30 minutes.
x > 30
What inequality does this graph represent?
x ≤ 0.5
What inequality does this graph represent?
x > -0.1
What inequality does this graph represent?
x < -1
What inequality does this graph represent?
x > 4