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Reported Speech in the Present

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"We can't find our cat." My neighbours...
My neighbours say that they can't find their cat.
"I don't like my new phone." Victoria...
Victoria says that she doesn't like her new phone.
"Can you help me with my homework?" Eric...
Eric wants to know if I can help him with his homework.
“We don’t know Mr. Fox.” Bill and Frank...
Bill and Frank say that they don't know Mr. Fox.
“Are they from Canada?” Gary...
Gary wants to know if they are from Canada.
“I don’t watch comedies.” Mum...
Mum says that she doesn't watch comedies.
“What does Ann do?” He...
He wants to know what Ann does.
“He’s not doing anything.” Hannah...
Hannah says that he's not doing anything.
“We are teachers.” Sarah...
Sarah says that they are teachers.
“Does he like football?” He...
He wants to know if he likes football.
“She doesn’t play chess.” Peter...
Peter says that she doesn't play chess.
“Where does Peter live?” I...
I want to know where Peter lives.
“I’m working now.” Betty...
Betty says she is working now.
“Do they live in Tokyo?” She...
She wants to know if they live in Tokyo.
“What’s your name?” The doctor...
The doctor wants to know what your name is.
“I want to see that play.” Matt...
Matt says that he wants to see that play.
“They can come tomorrow.” Dad...
Dad says that they can come tomorrow.
“Mark works as a pilot.” She...
She says that Mark works as a pilot.
“Do you play tennis every day?” He...
He wants to know if I play tennis every day.
“Where is my schoolbag?” He...
He wants to know where his schoolbag is.
“How can I become a singer?” She...
She wants to know how she can become a singer.
"There’s life on other planets." Scientists...
Scientists say that there's life on other planets.