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Present Simple or Present Continuous?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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house / paint / Jerry / this week / his
Present Continuous - temporary situation
not watch / John / TV / read / he / a book / now
Present Continuous - actions happening now
lions / in / live / the jungle / ?
Present Simple - general states
flight / arrive / his / at 7p.m.
Present Simple - timetables
meet / I / my friends / next week
Present Continuous - fixed future arrangement
start / what time / on Monday / English / your / class
Present Simple - timetables
melt / heat / the ice / you / when / it
Present Simple - facts
Kate / to the doctor / go / on Thursday
Present Continuous - fixed future arrangement
celebrate / my / we / best / birthday / friend's / tomorrow
Present Continuous - fixed future arrangement
go / they / dancing / every Friday / to / class
Present Simple - habit/routine
at / she / stay / brother's house / her / this month
Present Continuous - temporary situation
open / at 9 / shops / o'clock
Present Simple - general state
know / the correct / I / spelling / never / this word / for
Present Simple - habit/routine or general state
study / tomorrow's test / we / for
Present Continuous - action happening now
what time / arrive / your plane / ?
Present Simple - timetables
my mum / coffee / drink / every morning
Present Simple - habit/routine
wear / T-shirt / he / a cool / today
Present Continuous - action happening around the time of speaking
visit / I / my grandparents / on Saturday
Present Continuous - fixed future arrangement
Kate / reading / love / magazines
Present Simple - general states
colour / my favourite / be / blue
Present Simple - general states
it / look / snow
Present Continuous - action happening now
often / go to the cinema / Frida / on Sundays
Present Simple - habit/routine
please / we / be / do / the test / quiet
Present Continuous - action happening now
to school / usually / we / go
Present Simple - habit/routine
visit / Mark and Sarah / their cousins / every week
Present Simple - habit/routine
in Warsaw / John / live
Present Simple - general states