Edit Game
didn't have to vs. needn't have

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ................. (do) the dishes last night. John did it for me!
didn't have to do
I ................. (study) all night. The teacher was sick and the test was postponed.
needn't have studied
You .................. (buy) me a newpaper. I've already got one!
needn't have bought
They ................. (send) each other postcards. They could e-mail!
didn't need to send
We ................. (wait) for the ferry. We found out later that it doesn't operate in winter.
needn't have waited
I ................... (tell) her what I felt for her. It was written all over my face. She understood.
didn't have to tell
The car wasn't dirty. You .................. (wash) it.
needn't have washed
Eh, we ......................... (come) to school day! There is a teacher's strike.
needn't have come
I ........................ (write) her telephone number in my diary. I still had a mind for numbers then.
didn't have to write
I ................... (write) her telephone number in my diary. I never phoned her once.
needn't have written
We .................... overtime (do). Business seems to be slackening these days.
needn't have done
She ............... (walk) . I would have given her a lift in my car.
needn't have walked