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Middle Ages

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A devastating pandemic which caused millions of deaths throughout Europe In the middle of the 14th century,
the Black Death.
Money the king received from the bourgeoisie
Meeting between the king and representatives of the three estates of medieval society (nobility, clergy and bourgeoisie):
Cortes or parliament.
Meetings between the king and representatives of the nobility and clergy:
Council and Royal Court meetings.
Document issued by the king that freed the bourgeoisie from the control of feudal lords:
letter of privilege.
The sea route that transported wool, wine, leather, wood and grain was the...
Atlantic and Baltic.
The sea route that transported luxury products (silk and spices) and fabric, and weapons and tools was the...
The sea route that stretched from Lisbon and the Castilian ports of the Bay of Biscay to the ports of northern Europe was the...
Atlantic and Baltic.
The first major sea route passing through the ports of Venice, Genoa, Marseille, Barcelona and Valencia, and the Middle East and the Byzantine Empire was the...
The type of trade that became more important, due to its increased capacity and speed, was...
maritime trade.
Cities, monarchs and some local lords, who are interested in the growth of trade, enacted laws to protect...
The most famous fairs in Europe were those held in...
Champagne (France).
Large markets held periodically in which large quantities of products were bought and sold were called...
the great fairs.
How do you say hilandera in English?
How do you say taberna in English?
How do you say herrero in English?
How do you say sastre in English?
How do you say cambista in English?
Master artisans and small traders
Petty bourgeoisie
Important merchants and bankers
High bourgeoisie
People with noble titles
Artisans, servants, people without a trade and beggars
Ordinary people
Who were the urban patricians?
A privileged group made up of the richest families of bankers and merchants.
Where did the wealth of the bourgeoisie come from?
From the profits generated by their businesses.
What new social group emerged in cities?
The bourgeoisie.
Public area where merchants and traders met to negotiate their dealings.
Market place
Group made up of the masters and apprentices of the same trade, which were governed by ordinances or special statutes and located in the same street or neighbourhood.
Neighbourhood where Muslims lived.
Neighbourhood where Jewish people lived.
Jewish quarter
Neighbourhood outside the city where poor people lived when there was no room within the city walls.
Poor quarter
Cultivation method that leaves a third of the land fallow
triennial rotation
Agricultural machine that made grinding grain easier and was powered by an inanimate force, such as wind or water
External part of a mill that used the wind to power the inner machinery
Device that made it easier to plow
Plough that made deeper furrows and increased the soil's fertility
Mouldboard plough
Romanesque -- Structure next to the main entrance, used to announce the time for prayer or as a watchtower
Bell tower
Romanesque -- Part located above the crossing, with openings to illuminate the interior
Romanessque -- Semi-circular dome divided into sections by arches
Barrel vault
Romanesque -- Shorter section of the Latin cross floor plan
Romanesque -- Arch used to attach the pillars to the walls
semi-circular arch
The main repository of culture in the Middle Ages:
The main language of religion and culture in the Middle Ages
The three most popular pilgrimages in the Middle Ages were to...
Santiago de Compostela, Jerusalem and Rome.
Romanesque art developed during the High Middle Ages in...
western Europe.
What were the most important buildings in the Romanesque?
Churches and monasteries.
Monarch who finally united the kingdoms of Castile and León in 1230
Ferdinand III
Rights, liberties and tax exemptions granted to the inhabitants of a town or city.
Member of a Muslim tribe that arrived on the Peninsula after the Christians captured Toledo and took control of the taifas.
Member of a Muslim tribe that arrived on the peninsula in 1146 and joined the taifas to their North African empire.
What architectural style or styles spread through the Iberian Peninsula along the Camino?
Romanesque and Gothic.
What was the name of the heavily fortified protective strip created by the Franks along the Pyrenees?
Marca Hispánica (Spanish March).
Who was Charlemagne?
The king of franks
The long conquest of the lands in Al-Andalus by the Christian kingdoms
Local leader (caudillo) from the mountainous areas in Asturias who defeated the Muslims around the year 722
How do you say "dominio o reserva señorial" in English?
How do you say "bosques y pastos comunales" in English?
communal forest and pastures
How do you say Iglesia in English?
Type of clergy made up of monks and nuns dedicated to prayer. They lived in monasteries in the countryside or convents in the cities.
Regular clergy
Type of clergy composed of priests and bishops who attended to the believers.
Secular clergy
Peasants who worked the lord's land and had no personal freedom. They could not leave the fiefdom, get married or leave inheritance without the permission of the lord.
Peasants who owned their own land (allods) and were not legally bound to a lord. They had the right to get married, leave the fiefdom, learn a trade, etc.
Free peasants
What was the social role of the Church?
Helping the poor, caring for the sick and teaching in monastery schools.
Confrontation with real weapons between groups of knights
Conflict in which knights fought in their lords' armies to defend the territory or come to the aid of the king
Single combat between two knights
Structure with two or three floors, where the feudal lord and his family lived and surveillance was kept
What were the most important activities for nobles?
Training for battle, hunting and falconry
Who were the privileged estates?
The nobility and the clergy
The lesser nobility who ruled part of a fief granted by a feudal lord and kept a small army were called...
A king's vassal, of noble or ecclesiastical origin, who ruled and economically exploited a fiefdom was called...
a feudal lord.
The ceremony in which the king gave the vassal some land (fief) to govern was...
The ceremony in which the vassal knelt before the king and promised his fidelity, advice and military and economic help was...
Territory owned by a nobleman who governs with total freedom in the name of King
Personal relationship of dependency and loyalty established between a king and a noble
State of peasants who have been placed under the protection of a nobleman in exchange for working his land
Tell us at least 3 new techniques and scientific and technical instruments introduced by the Arabs
Chess, Belladona (anaesthesia), Compass, Handcart, Glazed pottery, Surgery, Dissection of corpses, Surgical instruments, Decimal numbering system, paper
How do you say arrabal in English?
Poor quarter
How do you say alcaicería in English?
Silk exchange
How do you said alhóndiga in English?
Corn exchange
A building for Islamic religious activities and worship
A building in which Jewish people worship and study their religion
Al Andalus --> They worked in artisanship, trade, medicine or science
They had arrived with the conquering army or migrated from North Africa. Many were livestock farmers and lived a humble existence
Al-Andalus --> They were a minority who monopolised government positions, privileges and land
A machine that draws water up from a well
An andalusí market
A hole in the ground to capture groundwater
Artificial water reservoir for irrigation
water tank.
Channel that carries water from the river to the fields, making use of the uneven ground
irrigation ditch.
Irrigation system that uses a large hydraulic drive to extract water from rivers and is driven by the flow of the river itself
water wheel
Tell us at least 7 new crops introduced by the Arabs
chard, garlic, apricot, cotton, rice, saffron, eggplant, pumpkin, sugar cane, onion, asparagus, espinach, pomegranate, fig, green bearn, lemon, melon, quince,..
In which year were the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada conquered?
Hispano-Visigoths who remained faithful to the Christian faith in the territory of Al-Andalus
Hispano-Visigoth converts to Islam