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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1 dollar for a shirt is very (cheap/expensive)!
1 dollar for a shirt is very cheap!
Which shoes do you want? Red or black? I want the red (one/ones).
Which shoes do you want? Red or black? I want the red ones.
I want a bag! How much is it? ( It was/It's) only 3 dollars!
I want a bag! How much is it? It's only 3 dollars.
How much are the shoes? They (are/were) 7 dollars.
How much are the shoes? They are 7 dollars.
Can I have a (pencil case/pencil cases)?
Can I have a pencil case?
The skirt is on sale. It (were/was) 5 dollars.
The skirt is on sale. It was 5 dollars.
Can I buy some black (sock/socks)?
Can I buy some black socks?
I live in (Korean/Korea).
I live in Korea
She (like/likes) the red hat.
She likes the red hat.
I (like/likes) to go shopping.
I like to go shopping.
How much are the pants? They are 10 (dollar/dollars).
How much are the pants? They are 10 dollars.
I want to buy some (shoe/shoes).
I want to buy some shoes.
May I (help/helped) you?
May I help you?
Yesterday I (want/wanted) to buy a hat.
Yesterday I wanted to buy a hat.
There are 2 (holiday/holidays) in this week.
There are 2 holidays in this week.
Can I have a (cookie/cookies)?
Can I have a cookie?