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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Unscramble this sentence: tomorrow? / you'd / wondering / I was / coffee / if / like / to go for
I was wondering if you'd like to go for coffee tomorrow?
Unscramble this sentence: we / see / tonight? / go and / Shall / Groove Armada
Shall we go and see Groove Armada tonight?
____________ but I'm busy on Friday. ____________ Saturday night?
1) I'm sorry / I'd love to / That's really kind of you / That's really sweet of you 2) How about / what about
___________ going out for lunch next week?
How about / what about
_____________ go to the theatre tomorrow night?
Would you like to / I was wondering if you'd like to
_____________ but I'm busy on Saturday night.
Thanks / I'm sorry / I'd love to / That's really kind of you / That's really sweet of you
____________, but could I ask something here?
Excuse me / pardon me / I'm sorry
___________ to mention that you were sick on the bus!
Don't forget
____________, it was Guatemala where we were robbed.
Build a courteous question from these parts: You / tell me / the way / hotel
Could you / can you tell me the way (to get) to the hotel?
Build a courteous question from these parts: You / tell me / where / train station
Could you / can you tell me where the train station is?
Build a courteous question from these parts: You / mind / help / me
Would you mind helping me?
Build a courteous question from these parts: You / know / what time / shops open
Do you know what time the shops open?
Build a courteous question from these parts: You / carry / this bag for me
Could you / can you carry this bag for me, please?
Mr. Dan, __________ please go to the washroom?
may I / can I / could I
___________, where is the washroom?
Excuse me / Pardon me