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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Being a doctor - being a singer
Being sself-employed - working for a company
Detroit - Los Angeles
Junk food- whole food
Mi city- New York
Poker- Chess
Pilates vs Yoga
safe - bicycles - cars
As are safer than Bs.
bad - Apple - Samsung
A is worse than B
Cold -Chicago - Miami
A is colder than B
delicious - tea - coffee
A is more delicious than B
productive - morning - afternoon
A is more productive than B.
friendly - dogs - cats
A are friendlier than B
beautiful - beaches - mountains
A are more beautiful than B
healthy -  dark chocolate - ice cream
A is healthier than B
difficult - reading in  English - listening to English
A is more difficult than B
easy - English - Korean
A is easier than B
good - summer - winter
A is better than B
interesting - card games - video games
As are more interesting than Bs
popular- football - baseball
A is more popular  than B
dangerous - snakes - iguanas
As are more dangerous than Bs
expensive - diamond - gold
A is more expensive than B
big - a house - an apartment
A is bigger than B.
boring - reading - watching T.V.
A is more boring than B