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Age of Discovery

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who was the first explorer to discover land?
Vasco da Gama
How long did Russia discover Siberia?
What did Christopher Columbus first thought he discovered?
The Indies
Which country explored more of Brazil?
Who conquered the Incas?
Francisco Pizarro
Who conquered the Aztecs?
Hernando Cortez
Who ordered Juan Ponce de Leon to find land?
King Ferdinand
Who discovered Puerto Rico?
Juan Ponce de Leon
Who was the first to discover the Americas?
Christopher Columbus
What piece of land did Russia discover during the Age of Discovery?
Which European country discovered more land in Central America?
What kinds of tools did Europe want to improve?
Navigational tools
Who influenced many explorers to improve their navigational tools?
Prince Henry
What religion did Europe want to support?
Name one resource that Europe was looking for.
Gold, silver, spices
Which continent was mostly involved?