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Comparatives and superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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People work _____ _____ than robots do. In most cases, they work _____ _____ _____ (efficiency)
People work less efficiently than robots do. In most cases, they work much less efficiently.
Robots work _____ _____ than people do. In most cases, they work _____ _____ _____ (efficiency)
Robots work more efficiently than people do. In most cases, they work much more efficiently.
This robot is _____ _____ than the old one. In fact, it's the _____ _____ robot we've ever had. (productivity).
This robot is more productive than the old one. In fact, it's the most productive robot we've ever had.
This is a _____ _____ solution. In fact, it's the _____ _____ (efficiency).
This is a more efficient solution. In fact, it's the most efficient (efficiency).
Your plan is _____ _____ mine. In fact, it's _____ _____ (safety).
Your plan is safer than mine. In fact, it's much safer.
It's too _____. It needs to be _____ _____ (risk).
It's too risky. It needs to be less risky.
The data wasn't _____ enough. We need _____ _____ data. It needs to be _____ _____ _____ (precision).
The data wasn't precise enough. We need more precise data. (precision)
This test was _____ _____ the last one. (hard)
This test was harder than the last one.
He stayed there _____ _____ I did. (late)
He stayed there later than I did.
We got there _____ _____ they did. (early)
We got there earlier than they did.
My _____ is _____ social _____ I am.
My _____ is more social than I am.
The situation is _____ _____ we imagined. (bad)
The situation is worse than we imagined.
This _____ is much _____ important.
This _____ is much more important.
This _____ is much _____ important.
This _____ is much more important.
It took _____ _____ we thought. (long)
It took longer than we thought.
He is _____ _____ I am. (old)
He is older than I am.
I am _____ _____ she is. (young)
I am younger than she is.
That _____ is _____ than this one. (large)
That _____ is _____ than this one.
This _____ is _____ than that one. (small)
This _____ is smaller than that one.
This _____ is _____ than that one. (big)
This _____ is bigger than that one.
That _____ is _____ than this one. (old)
That _____ is older than this one.
That _____ is _____ than this one. (high)
That _____ is higher than this one.
This _____ is _____ than that one. (good)
This _____ is better than that one.
This _____ is _____ than that one. (new)
This _____ is newer than that one.