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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We will book a room.
A room will be booked by us.
I baked these muffins.
These muffins were baked by me.
They built Colosseum in 80 AD
Colosseum was built in 80 AD.
He won the cup.
The cup was won by him.
They didn't hire waiters for the party.
Waiters weren't hired for the party.
They didn't show Breaking Bad on TV.
Breaking Bad wasn't shown on TV.
Viggo Mortensen played Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings.
Aragorn was played by Viggo Mortensern.
We offer a lot of treatments in our beauty parlor.
A lot of treatments are offered in our beauty parlour.
They grow olives in Greece.
Olives are grown in Greece.
They upload photos once a week.
Photos are uploaded once a week.
They told me to go outside.
I was told to go outside.
They speak Spanish in many South American countries.
Spanish is spoken in many South American countries.
They made the first pizza in Italy.
The first pizza was made in Italy.
Children learned calligraphy at school.
Calligraphy was taught at school.
People add soya sauce to sushi.
Soya sauce is added to sushi.
Women wear kimonos in Japan.
Kimonos are worn by women in Japan.
They will check tickets at the gate.
Tickets will be checked at the gate.
They decorated the halls yesterday.
The halls were decorated yesterday.
They will serve coffee in the canteen.
Coffee will be served in the canteen.
They will paint these classrooms next week.
These classrooms will be painted next week.
J.K. Rowling invented Harry Potter.
Harry Potter was invented by J.K. Rowling.
Leonardo da Vinci painted Mona Liza.
Mona Liza was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
People eat chocolate all over the world.
Chocolate is eaten all over the world.
A lot of people visit London each summer.
London is visited by a lot of people each summer.
They choose the design.
The design is chosen.