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Chemical Changes

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are some examples of physical changes?
melting ice, cutting paper, boiling water, breaking glass
What are some examples of chemical changes?
Rusting, cooking, baking, burning paper
Matter cannot be ________ or _________ in a chemical change.
created, destroyed
Physical changes (easier/harder) to reverse than chemical changes.
what we are left with after the chemical reaction
substances we start with
A change in matter that produces a new compound or substance with different properties from the original
chemical change
What happens when you burn a candle?
A chemical change occurs and both light and heat energy are released.
What are the properties of wood?
Hard, brown, solid
You observe chemical properties when a substance ______.
Becomes a new substance
Which of the following new substances are created when wood is burned?
Carbon dioxide, ash, water vapor
Rolling a ball of clay into a long straight line (physical change or chemical change)
physical change
Melting an ice cube to get liquid water (physical change or chemical change)
physical change
Cutting a log into many pieces (physical change or chemical change)
physical change
Gases created when baking soda and vinegar are mixed (physical change or chemical change)
chemical change
Ash created from burning wood (physical change or chemical change)
chemical change