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Have to/don't have to - sentences only

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My chinchilla and my dog (not have to) ___________
My chinchilla and my dog don't have to vacuum the living room
My cat (not have to) _______
My cat doesn't have to load the dishwasher
My friends (have to) ___________
My friends have to make their bed
My mum (not have to) _____________
My mum doesn't have to clear the table
All my students (have to) _________
All my students have to tidy their bedroom
My dad and I (have to) ___________
My dad and I have to load the dishwasher
My grandpa (not have to) _____________
My grandpa doesn't have to make the bed
My friend Marta (have to) _________
My friend Marta has to lay the table
My dad (have to) __________
My dad has to feed the dog
They (not have to) _________
They don't have to empty the dishwasher
My brother and my sister (have to)____________
My brother and my sister have to walk the dogs
My cousin (not have to) _________
My cousin doesn't have to do the washing-up
I (have to) ___________
I have to water the plants
He (have to) _________ the living room
He has to vacuum the living room