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Irregular verbs break-sew

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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sew [sou]
sewed [soud] sewn [soun] шити
show [ʃəu]
showed [ʃəud] shown [ʃəun] показувати
lie [lai]
lay [lei] lain [lein] лежати
draw [drɔ:]
drew [dru:] drawn [drɔ:n] Малювати, тягти
fly [flai]
flew [flu:] flown [floun] літати
throw [θrəu]
threw [θru:] thrown [θrəun] кидати
know [nou]
knew [nju:] known [noun] знати
grow [grou]
grew [gru:] grown [groun] рости
blow [blou]
blew [blu:] blown [bloun] дути
freeze [fri:z]
froze [frouz] frozen [‘frouzn] замерзати
steal [sti:l]
stole [stoul] stolen [‘stəulən] красти
choose [tʃu:z]
chose [ʃəuz] chosen [tʃəuz(ə)n] вибирати
speak [spi:k]
spoke [spouk] spoken [‘spouk(e)n] говорити
wake [weik]
woke [wouk] woken [‘wouk(e)n] прокидатися
break [breik]
broke [brouk] broken [‘brouk(e)n] ламати