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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 rules you should follow to keep fit
You must sleep well, you must drink a lot of water, you must eat fruit and vegetables, you mustn't drink fizzy drinks
Name 5 scary things
Ghosts, spiders, mice, rats, snakes
Name 5 things you can see out of your window
Trees, sky, street, cars, bicycles
Name 5 drinks
Smoothie, milk, water, tea, cocoa
Name 5 things which are in your room
Chairs, desk, shelves, pictures, posters
Name 5 things we usually give as birthday presents
Books, mugs, games, sweets, toys
Name 5 places in London
Tower of London, London Eye, Big Ben, Paddington Station, Natural History Museum
Name 5 things you are not doing right now
I'm not eating, I'm not running, I'm not watching TV, I'm not driving a car, I'm not riding a bike
Name 5 clothes
Skirt, shirt, coat, trousers, tracksuit bottom
Name 5 things you can find in the bathroom
Towel, soap, shampoo, bath, toothpaste
Name 5 sea creatures
Jellyfish, dolphins, orcas, sharks, crabs
Name 5 pets people keep at home
Hamster, guinea pig, stick insects, fish, mice
Name 5 things you can buy in the computer shop
Mouse, mouse pad, speakers, router, screen
Name 5 adjectives
Big, small, nice, cute, happy
Name 5 jobs
Lawyer, builder, teacher, vet, nurse
Name 5 ball sports
Football, volleyball, basketball, handball, baseball
Name 5 sweets
Lollipops, biscuits, cakes, ice cream, chocolate,
Name 5 places in the town
Town hall, butcher's, baker's, train station, supermarket
Name 5 means of transport
Tram, train, bus, bike, plane
Name 5 places at school
Gym, library, headteacher's office, teachers' room, classroom
Name 5 vegetables
Cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, onion
Name 5 fruits
banana, grapes, orange, mango, strawberries
Name 5 musical instruments.
Trumpet, drums, saxophone, piano, flute