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Internet Safety

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False? Don't write or say anything online that you wouldn't say to a person's face.
Should you accept texts, calls or friend requests from people you don't know?
True or False? The internet is forever.
Is it important to do the right thing whenever you can?
True or False? If your friend is being bullied online, it's ok to defend them.
Give 2 examples of cyberbullying.
Name-calling, rumors, gossip, exclusion, threats,etc.
If you see someone being bullied online, what should you do?
Save messages, report it to an adult.
How does being bulled online make people feel?
Sad, hurt, lonely, angry, upset, etc.
If you are mad at a someone, should you post mean things online or talk it out with them?
It is always better to speak with the person and work out your problems.
True or false? The internet can make it easy for people to do bad things.
True or false? It is important to be responsible online.
What is cyberbullying?
Using electronic communication to bully or threaten a person.
Is it ok to post a picture of a credit or debit card?
No! Financial information is private.
If someone says they deleted a picture or post, does that mean it's really deleted?
No, others could have shared or copied it.
If a friend asks you to send them a picture of yourself doing something you know is wrong,should you do it?
No. True friends will not ask you to do things you know are wrong.
Is it ok to post a picture of someone without their permission?
Should you post a picture of someone breaking the rules?
No, if you take the picture but don't report it, you are also breaking the rules.
Before sending a picture, what should you ask yourself?
Would my mom or dad be embarrassed by this?
Can other people, besides your friends, see what you post online?
Yes! Even if you use privacy settings, your friends may not use them.
Does the internet have an "OOPS!" button?
No, whatever you post online is there forever.
Name two things you can talk about with your friends online.
School, weekend plans, music, movies, etc.
Give 2 examples of personal information.
Name, date of birth, address, phone number, passwords, etc
Is it safe to share personal information online?
No! Personal information should not be shared online.
Name 3 ways we communicate with people.
In person, text, email, social media, etc.