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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: Congratulations (pass/you/exam) !
on passing your exam
A:I've got a terrible headache. B: (I/hope/feel/good) soon.
I hope you feel better soon.
A: (How/ CDs/have?you) ? B: About 50.
How many CDs have you got
A: How/I/get) the cinema? B: Go straight on, then tur left.
How can I get to
A: (you/prefer/ play) video games or some film?
Do you prefer
A:(can/I/borrow) you phone? B: Yes, no problem.
Can I borrow
A: (not forget/tidy) your room. B: Yes mum. Don't worry.
Don't forget to tidy
A(you/mind/I/sit) here? B: Oh, not at all.
Do you mind if I sit here?
A: Could you help me with that wardrobe? B: (I/afraid/cannot)
I'm afraid I can't.
A: (I/speak/doctor)? B: Yes, of course.
Could I speak to a doctor?
A:(Not touch/ball)! It's dirty.
Don't touch
A: (I/afraid/not understand). Can you explain it once more?
I'm afraid I don't understand
A: Hi. (I/name) Sarah. B: Hello. I'm Betty.
My name is
A: What ( think/should) do about it? B: Talk to your parents.
do you think I should
A: (you/think) my new dress? B: It's lovely.
What do you think about
A: I'm sorry, I (not think/can /go) with you. I've already got some plans.
don't think I can go
A: (How/ stay in this nice hotel? B: Well, it's a bit too expensive.
How about staying
A: (fancy/visit) the granparents at the weekend? B: Sure. I'd love to.
Do you fancy visiting
A: (you/want/invite) any classmates? B: Yes, a few.
Do you want to invite
A: (she/like)? B: Well, she is quite tall and slim.
What does she look like?
A: (you/feel) doing an English project? B: Personally, I think it's a great idea.
How do you feel about
A: ( think/she) ? B: She seems nice.
What do you think of her?
A: Wow! It looks like a totally new room.(Why/paint) the walls purple? B: Because that's my favourite colour.
Why did you paint
A: (How/get) to the cinema from here? B: Just turn right and the cinema is opposite the bank.
How do you get
A:(be/you)? B: I've been better, to be honest. A: Really? What's the matter?
How are you?