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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I go to the gym at the weekends.
mr.Brown /a shower/has/every morning
Mr Brown has a shower every morning.
his/has/mother/every day/a bath
His mother has a bath everyday.
He drives his car very fast.
My friend never goes to bed late.
They play games together.
at/gets/up/he/7.00 /o'clock
He gets up at 7.00 o'clock.
Ahmet plays computer games after school.
at the weekend/volleyball/play/girls
Girls play volleyball at the weekend.
does/before bed/homework/he/his
He does his homework before bed.
has lunch/mr.Simpson/home/at
Mr. Simpson has lunch at home.
every night/ they/music/listen to
They listen to music every night.
before/he/a book/bed/reads
He reads a book before bed.
in /the park/The/skips rope/girl
The girl skips rope in the park.
on holiday/she/a bike/rides/
She rides a bike on holiday.
Girls always have lunch in the canteen.
doesn't /bed/early/he/to/go
He doesn't go to bed early.
My mum cleans our room every day.
mr.Brown/his/in /the/cleans/afternoons/car
Mr. Brown cleans his car in the afternoons.
runs/he/very/fast/every morning
He runs very fast every morning.