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Apostrophe, Possessives and Contractions

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Change the word from a contraction) I am going to the shopping mall soon.
(Change the word from a contraction) You will regret not finishing your homework.
(Change the word from a contraction) We are the world.
(Change the word from a contraction) My dog does not like to eat chicken.
(Change the word from a contraction) He is not walking home today.
(Change the word from a contraction) They are not coming for my birthday party.
(Change the word from a contraction) She should have met the principal today
(Change the word from a contraction) I can't leave my house today.
(Change the word into a contraction) She could have made lasagna for dinner.
(Change the word into a contraction) He is going to take his medicine now.
(Change the word into a contraction) You are going to school now.
(Change the word into a contraction) I did not see the bus come this way.
(Change the word into a contraction) I could not find my umbrella anywhere.
(Change the word into a contraction) I cannot see the blackboard.
Place the (') decide (possessive or contraction) We should not touch Micahels things.
Micahel's/ Possesive
Place the (') decide (possessive or contraction) Shes very angry with you.
She's/ contraction
Place the (') decide (possessive or contraction) He lets up play badminton in the field.
let's/ contraction
Place the (') decide (possessive or contraction) This is Sarahs house.
Sarah's/ Possessive
Place the (') decide (possessive or contraction) She hasnt any clothes left.
hasn't/ contraction
Place the (') decide (possessive or contraction) He cant change lanes now.
can't/ contraction
Place the (') decide (possessive or contraction) My fathers car is in the car park.
father's / possessive