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Put The Groceries Away

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do the condiments go?
In the fridge... after they are opened!
Where does the lunch meat go?
In the fridge.
Where does the cheese go?
In the fridge.
Where does this salad bag go?
In the fridge.
Where does this bag of vegetables go?
In the freezer!
Where do the nuggets go?
In the freezer.
Where does the bread go?
In the pantry.
Where does the ground meat go?
In the fridge.
Where does the toothpaste go?
It goes in the bathroom.
Where does the toilet paper go?
It goes in the bathroom.
Where do the strawberries go?
It goes in the refrigerator.
Where does the shampoo go?
It goes in the bathroom.
Where does the peanut butter go?
It goes in the pantry.
Where does the milk go?
It goes in the refrigerator.
Where does the ice cream go?
It goes in the freezer.
Where does the pizza go?
It goes in the freezer.
Where does the chicken go?
It goes in the freezer.
Where do the eggs go?
It goes in the refrigerator.
Where do the Cheerios cereal go
It goes in the pantry.
Where do the cookies go?
It goes in the pantry.