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Facts about the UK

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three red things in England
The telephone boxes, army uniform, the red rose, double deckers, the underground sig.
Madame Tussauds is a...
wax museum
What tourist attraction can you see in the picture?
Buckingham Palace
What is the national symbol of Scotland?
The thistle
The colours of the Union Jack are....
Red, blue and white
What is the symbol of Wales?
The Daffodil
What is the capital city of Northern Ireland?
What is the symbol of Ireland?
The shamrock
The national currency is....
The pound
A famous bridge over the Thames is ...
Tower Bridge
.................. is part of the traditional English breakfast.
Bacon and eggs
The national drink is...which they have with....
Who is the patron saint of England?
The national sport of England is...
The name of the river which passes through London is...
The Thames
How do you call people from Ireland?
What is the capital city of Scotland?
The king of England is....
Charles III
How do you call a London policeman?
A bobby
The name of the biggest observation wheel is...
London Eye
The name of the river which passes through London is...
The Thames
How do you call the buses with two floors used in London?
What is the symbol of England?
The red rose
What is the capital city of England?