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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Person that is the primary source of money for a family
Blow a fuse
Suddenly get very angry, perhaps over something unexpected.
Blessing in disguise
Something good that isn't recognised as such at first.
Black out / pass out
Lose consciousness.
black as night
Very dark and hard to see.
Black and blue
badly bruised
Better late than never
Better be late than not at all
Best of both worlds
Beat around the bush
Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue.
Undesirable member of a group.
Someone who reads a lot.
to make someone do something for you by threatening them.
Think outside of the box
Be creative
A little-miss-know-it-all
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Don't judge things before you know them very well./ Don't be judgemental. 
What goes around, comes around.
if someone treats other people badly he or she will eventually be treated badly
Bite off more than you can chew
To take on a task that is way too big.
bullying / torturing
really bad and sad
Back to square one
back to where one started, with no progress having been made.
back to the drawing board
When an attempt fails and it's time to start all over
It costs an arm and a leg
very expensive
That's it. You're on my blacklist.
Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
better be happy with what you have than risk losing it by trying to get something better
Call it a day
Stop doing something for a while or until the next day (or night)
If you talk the talk, you have to walk the walk.
If you say you can do something, you need to prove it.
Bad apple
Troublemaker or undesirable person in a group.
Barking up the wrong tree
Looking in the wrong place. Accusing the wrong person.
The ball is in your court
It is up to you to make the next decision or take the next step.
At the drop of a hat
Without any hesitation; instantly.
I'm all ears
Actions speak louder than words