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Culture: the police

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16. What color is Vietnamese police uniform?
15. What color is the Canadian police’s hat?
What do they often use for working?
Riding horse
13. What does the uniform include?
a red jacket, wide trousers and brown hat
12. What are the Canadian police uniforms called?
The Red Serge
11. What do they call the Canadian police?
The Mounties
10. What is the most distinctive police uniform?
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
9. What do they wear when they are in the car?
a cap
8. What does “on the beat” mean?
It means they work in the street.
7. When do they wear helmet?
When they are on the beat.
6. What do UK police officers wear?
dark blue uniform with a white shirt and black tie
5. Is Robert Peel a knight?
Yes, he is. A knight is called Sir.
4. When was the UK police force invented?
19th century
Who invented the police force?
Sir Robert Peel
Why are they called that name?
They are named after Sir Robert Peel also known as Bob Peel.
What is the police in the UK called?