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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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.My brother. is coming.
Who is coming?
.Donald Trump. said that.
Who said that?
I bought .shoes.
What did you buy?
.The hotel. is expensive.
What is expensive?
.I. can cook well.
Who can cook well?
.The twins. watched the movie yesterday.
Who watched the movie yesterday?
.Tina. lives in a small village in Wales.
Who lives in a small village in Wales?
She wore black jeans .last Tuesday.
When did she wear black jeans?
He went to .the hill.
Where did he go?
The king sent .him. a letter.
Who did the king send the letter to?
. Someone gave. me a watch for my birthday.
Who gave you a watch for your birthday?
.Somebody. rang me at 3am last week!
Who rang you at 3am last week?
I dreamt about .a strange animal. last night.
What did you dream about last night?
.Something. disturbed me when I was working.
What disturbed you when you were working?
I wrote a romantic letter to .one of the teachers.
Who did you write a romantic letter to?
.One of the students. didn't do the final exam.
Who didn't do the final exam?
.Something. odd happened during the storm last night
What happened during the storm last night?
I bought a .newspaper. this morning
What did you buy this morning?