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Possessive Nouns

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jack balloon is blue.
Jack's balloon is blue.
Charlie boots are muddy.
Charlie's boots are muddy
The car tire is flat
The car's tire is flat
The pirate treasure chest is full
The pirate's treasure chest
My uncle garden is beautiful
My uncle's garden
Fiona ice cream is on the ground
Fiona's ice cream
Eliza muffins are yummy. (whose muffins?)
Eliza's muffins
Jordyn bedroom is messy. (whose bedroom?)
Jordyn's bedroom
Adam glasses are broken. (whose glasses?)
Adam's glasses
The woman hat is red (whose hat?)
The woman's hat is red.
My neighbor pool is big (whose pool?)
My neighbor's pool
The horse fur is brown. (whose fur?)
The horse's fur
Grandma quilt is pretty. (Whose quilt?)
Grandma's quilt
The web of the spider
The spider's web
The toy belongs to the baby
Baby's toy
The apple belongs to the teacher
The teacher's apple
The collar belongs to the dog
The dog's collar
The phone belongs to mom
Mom's phone
The bicycle belongs to Max
Max's bicycle
The book that belongs to Sarah
Sarah's book
The gloves of my dad
My dad's gloves