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Egypt Study Guide

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Which region had the biggest cultural influence on Nubia and Kush?
What metal changed the life of the people of Kush?
What was Nubia called after it gained independence in the 800sBC?
How did the Egyptian invasion change the Nubian language?
They started to use Hieroglyphics
What did the Egyptians hire the Nubians to do?
Fight in their military.
What country did Nubia form a strong trade relationship with?
Where was Nubia located?
South of Egypt
What is a textile?
Clothing or cloth
What does rely mean?
To depend on.
What is a savanna?
A large grassy plain.
What was the most important thing King Tut did during his rule?
Brought back the ancient religion.
What did Amenhotep IV focus his rule on?
What did Hatshepsut focus her rule on?
What was unique about Hatshepsut?
She was one of the only female pharaohs.
What group took over Egypt after a civil war?
The Hyksos
What did Egyptians start to make instead of pyramids during the Middle Kingdom?
How did statues of pharaohs change during the Middle Kingdom?
They looked more like humans instead of gods.
Where was a canal built to increase trade with Arabia?
Between the Nile River and the Red Sea
Where did the Middle Kingdom move the capital of Egypt to?
What group had control of Egypt during the "Golden Age"?
The Middle Kingdom
At first, who were the only people able to go to the Egyptian afterlife?
What book did the Egyptians use to prepare spirits for the afterlife?
The Book of the Dead
What did the Egyptians believe happened to you after you died?
You went on a long journey to a peaceful place.
What does the word reside mean?
To live somewhere.
What does embalm mean?
Preserving a body from decaying.
What does the word crucial mean?
What does distribute mean?
To divide something up and give it to different people or groups.
What is a bureaucrat?
A person that works for the government.
What is a pharaoh?
An Egyptian king.
What is a theocracy?
A government that is controlled by a church.
What is a dynasty?
A government where a family rules for generations.
Why is Narmer important?
He united upper and lower Egypt.
What object helped us learn how to read Egyptian writing?
Rosetta Stone
What is the system of writing used by the Egyptians called?
What crops were grown by the Egyptians?
Wheat, barley, and Flax
What is a delta?
Triangular area of fertile soil where a river empties into the ocean.
What sea does the Nile empty into?
The Mediterranean
What kind of climate does Egypt have?
Hot and dry (Arid)
Why was the Nile River Valley ideal for human settlement?
It had good soil for growing crops.
What two civilizations developed along the Nile River?
Egypt and Kush