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Book 4 (2nd half) Vocabulary

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say 3 things you are to do this week
clean the house, send reports, answer e-mails
Say 3 Brazilian politicians
Lula, Bolsonaro, Doria
Say 3 forms of advertising
commercial, Instagram post, Youtube video
Say 3 natural wonders
free answer
Say 3 traditions in your country
Carnival, festa junina, Christmas
Say 3 names of good-looking people
free answer
Say 3 things that are disgusting
black pudding, picking your nose, picking your teeth
Say 3 delicious foods
free answer
Say 3 things that make you jealous
free answer
Say 3 European countries
Portugal, Spain, France
Say 3 parts of a car
engine, gear, radiator
Say 3 examples of junk food
hamburgers, chips, hot dogs
Say 3 box office successes
Titanic, Avatar, Avengers
Say 3 things that are believed to cause bad luck
black cats, walking under a ladder, number 13
Say 3 things that make you stressed out
work, tests, politics
Say 3 types of misbehaviour
cursing, screaming and hitting
Say 3 abilities you have
playing the piano, drawing, singing
Say 3 intelligent people
free answer
Say 3 things that are forbidden at your work
not wearing a mask, arriving late, cursing
Say the names of 3 neighbourhoods in Santos
Gonzaga, Aparecida, Marapé
Say 3 fruits
plum, peach, grape
Say 3 extreme sports
hang-gliding, waterskiing, bungee jumping