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Past Simple vs Present Perfect - PET

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ________ (work) at this school for 10 years.
have worked
We _________ (have) our cat since 2018.
have had
How long ________ (know) your best friend?
have you known
My sister _______ (have) much more confidence in herself since she _______ (listen) to that podcast.
has had/listened
I ____ just ______ (meet) Ariana Grande! She ____ (be) so lovely!!
have just met
She ________ (share) a room with her brother since she was 5 years old.
has shared
______ your partner ______ (buy) those earrings you _____ (want) for your birthday last Saturday, Jay?
did your partner buy/wanted
I think that cabin in Vermont must be the cosiest one I ____ ever ______ (stay) in.
have ever stayed
Unfortunately, my neighbour _______ (cannot) advise me on the issue of property damage.
My parents _______ always ________ (support) me. They're the best!
have always supported
We _________ (put off) our wedding until next year.
put off
Jackie _______ (wish) someone had told her about the non-uniform day last Friday!
_____ they ________ (find out) the results of the test yet?
Have/found out
Where _____ you _____ (put) the poster last night, Louise? Oh, I _____ (stick) it on the noticeboard.
did you put/stuck
After the performance, everyone in the audience _______ (clap) apart from Joe, who _______ (think) it _______ (be) a disaster.
Our teacher ______ (not be) satisfied with our performance. She _____ (say) she had expected more from us.
Sam, ______ you _______ (take) the rubbish out this morning?
did you take
What?! She ______ (know) about it for two months! I can't believe it.
has known
I ____ (love) my degree, but in the end I ______ (not go on) to do a job related to the arts.
loved/didn't go on
Miss Hemshaw! What do I do now? I_____ already ____ (do) exercise 1.
I've already done
First Maria ______ (take up) tennis, but it was really challenging, so last week she ____ (change) to football, which so far she ____ (be) more successful at.
took up/changed/has been
______ you ________ (make) a cake for your aunt's birthday last weekend?
______ you _______ (start) studying yet?
That _____ (be) the worst theme park I _______ (ever go) to! I'll never go back!
was/have ever been
My mum _______ (not visit) Paris yet. I hope we can go together next year.
hasn't visited
Lucy ______ (live) in London since 2012.
has lived
I _____ (not see) my sister for two years.
haven't seen
Yesterday we ______ (see) an action movie - it was really thrilling!