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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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............................(Jego sąsiad pozyczył ) him his new car last year.
His neighbour lent
She ................(nauczyła go) how to fly.
thaught him
He....................(myślał) that she didn't like him.
When.....................(zapłaciliscie) for this lovely flowers?
did you buy
We ...................(mielismy) a wonderful time last summer.
...................(spędził) whole his life to build this house.
He spent
When ................(zbudował) this enormous house?
did he build
How .................(przeliterowałeś) her name?
did you spell
We .............(powiedzielismy im) about the test.
told them
She ...........(nie zrobiła) for her children last weekend.
didn't make
(Czy słyszałeś) what he said last Friday?
Did you hear
(Moja ciocia przyniosła ) presents for everyone last Christmas.
My aunt brought
(Czy ona pomyslała) about him yesterday?
Did she think