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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Combine these two sentences using "because": Thomas Edison is famous. He invented many new things.
Thomas Edison is famous because he invented many new things.
Combine these two sentences using "because": Plants need soil. Soil holds many important nutrients.
Plants need soil because soil holds many important nutrients.
Combine these two sentences using "because": Ocean plants grow close to the surface. They need sun.
Ocean plants grow close to the surface because they need sun.
Combine these two sentences using "because": Davarius eats at home. He likes to cook.
Davarius eats at home because he likes to cook.
Combine these two sentences using "so": Gabe wanted to make the golf team. He practiced a lot.
Gabe wanted to make the golf team, so he practiced a lot.
Combine these two sentences using "so": You didn’t turn in your homework. You can’t go to recess.
You didn’t turn in your homework, so you can’t go to recess.
Combine these two sentences using "so": I studied hard for the test. I got an A.
I studied hard for the test, so I got an A.
Combine these two sentences using "so": My brother annoyed me. I locked my bedroom door.
My brother annoyed me, so I locked my bedroom door.
Combine these two sentences using "but": The kids wanted to go to the park. It was pouring.
The kids wanted to go to the park, but it was pouring.
Combine these two sentences using "but": He fell down. He didn’t get hurt
He fell down, but didn’t get hurt.
Combine these two sentences using "but": She likes hamburgers. She doesn’t like hot dogs
She likes hamburgers, but she doesn’t like hot dogs.
Combine these two sentences using "but": My mom can swim. My dad can’t.
My mom can swim, but my dad can’t.
Combine these two sentences using "and": Jamal hates bugs. He also hates spiders.
Jamal hates bugs and spiders.
Combine these two sentences using "and": My family got a new game. We are going to play it tonight.
My family got a new game and we are going to play it tonight.
Combine these two sentences using "and": He is a star athlete. He is the captain of the team.
He is a star athlete and captain of the team.
Combine these two sentences using "and": Let’s go to the store. Let’s buy a pizza
Let’s go to the store and buy a pizza.