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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you could ask this artwork a question, what would you ask it?
Untitled by Sean Thornhill
How can you connect this artwork to your own life?
A Mood by Sam Twardy
If the art could talk, what would it say?
The Walk by Meyai
What does this painting say about the world in which we live?
Untitled by Xanthe Bonsall
Why do you think this artist created this work?
Only the Finest by Jordan Kay
If this artwork were music, what would it sound like?
Blueprints for Utopia by Mynameisbri
What title would you give this artwork?
Untitled by Charm Prints
What’s the story being told, if any?
The In Between Places by Lou Rowland
What would it feel like to be in this artwork?
Little Houses by Petra Verkade
What emotions do you feel when looking at this?
Sky Ballin’ by Stello
If the art could talk, what would it say?
Richmix by Camille Walala
If you could ask the artist a question, what would you ask him/her?
Apollo Torso by GDSM Prints
What is exciting about this artwork?
Extra Ordinary by VrijFormaat
Describe the colors in the artwork.
Down the Line by Jando
What do we know about the artist after viewing this artwork?
Les Jours de Soleil by Atelier Hourra
What verbs would you use to describe this artwork?
Potted Plant by Danii Pollehn
What is mysterious about this artwork?
Wildcat Woman by Anna Ruiz
What does this remind you of?
Omoplata 35 by Matthew Shlian