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Prepositional phrases

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We hope to have positive results _____ the long term.
We hope to have positive results in the long term.
I heard he is now _____ ____ a job.
I heard he is now out of a job.
He lived _____ a farm when he was a boy.
He lived on a farm when he was a boy.
How long have you been _____ a diet?
How long have you been on a diet?
They went _____ a date last weekend.
They went on a date last weekend.
They go there _____ a daily basis.
They go there on a daily basis.
Can I pay _____ cash?
Can I pay in cash?
I'll put it _____ my credit card.
I'll put it on my credit card.
What time do you go _____ break?
What time do you go on break?
I don't know _____ the top of my head.
I don't know off the top of my head.
Why are you _____ such a hurry?
Why are you in such a hurry?
It's _____ fashion right now.
It's in fashion right now.
I'll be there _____ a couple of hours.
I'll be there in a couple of hours.
Did you hear that he was _____ a car crash?
Did you hear that he was in a car crash?
Can you help me out? I'm really _____ a bind.
Can you help me out? I'm really in a bind.
Why are you _____ such a bad mood?
Why are you in such a bad mood?
I messed up; I need to start _____ scratch.
I messed up; I need to start from scratch.
_____ now on we can't do it that way.
From now on we can't do it that way.
_____ my understanding, everything is fine.
From my understanding, everything is fine.
She doesn't need any help; she can do it _____ memory.
She doesn't need any help; she can do it from memory.
He knows it _____ top to bottom.
He knows it from top to bottom.
What do you like to do _____ fun?
What do you like to do for fun?
He was only here _____ a quick visit.
He was only here for a quick visit.
What do you want _____ a snack?
What do you want for a snack?
Let's do something different _____ a change.
Let's do something different for a change.
Weren't you there _____ a bit in the 1990s?
Weren't you there for a bit in the 1990s?
It happened totally _____ coincidence.
It happened totally by coincidence.
He's Tunisian _____ birth.
He's Tunisian by birth.
We met _____ chance.
We met by chance.
She sees people _____ appointment only.
She sees people by appointment only.
Everything is fine now _____ all accounts.
Everything is fine now by all accounts.
Did you do it _____ accident?
Did you do it by accident?
I'm sure _____ a shadow of a doubt.
I'm sure beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I think she is _____ jobs right now.
I think she is between jobs right now.
His company is a bit _____ the times.
His company is a bit behind the times.
They have been _____ war for over six months.
They have been at war for over six months.
Please come _____ your convenience.
Please come at your convenience.
_____ this rate it will take us all week.
At this rate it will take us all week.
Traffic was _____ a standstill for over an hour.
Traffic was at a standstill for over an hour.
Weren't you both there _____ the same time?
Weren't you both there at the same time?
You need to be there by 5 pm _____ the latest.
You need to be there by 5 pm at the latest.
She arrived _____ the last minute.
She arrived at the last minute.
Things have been difficult _____ times.
Things have been difficult at times.
They're always _____ odds with each other.
They're always at odds with each other.
I saw him _____ the party.
I saw him at the party.
I got it _____ a discount.
I got it at a discount.
Let’s find a table that is not _____ the sun.
Let’s find a table that is not in the sun.
When did you put the money _____ your account?
When did you put the money in your account?
I look terrible _____ this picture.
I look terrible in this picture.
_____ once he didn’t argue with me about it.
For once he didn’t argue with me about it.
_____ my point of view, it is the best solution.
From my point of view, it is the best solution.
_____ my view, this isn’t the best option.
In my view, this isn’t the best option.
I mean it _____ all my heart.
I mean it with all my heart.
_____ the meantime I’ll work on something else.
In the meantime I’ll work on something else.
It happened all _____ once.
It happened all at once.
This really puts us _____ a disadvantage.
This really puts us at a disadvantage.
They’ll arrive _____ some point in the afternoon.
They’ll arrive at some point in the afternoon.
He meant it _____ a joke.
He meant it as a joke.
She’s been working _____ the clock.
She’s been working around the clock.
I’ll stop by _____ the way home.
I’ll stop by on the way home.
He did it _____ their wishes.
He did it against their wishes.
My phone rang _____ the movie.
My phone rang during the movie.
It’s in a museum; it’s not _____ sale.
It’s in a museum; it’s not for sale.
I got them _____ sale.
I got them on sale.
He’s rarely _____ time.
He’s rarely on time.
We’re _____ _____ milk.
We’re out of milk.
We arrived _____ time to see the end of the show.
We arrived in time to see the end of the show.
She’s not here _____ the moment.
She’s not here at the moment.
Please wait for me. I’ll be there _____ a moment.
Please wait for me. I’ll be there in a moment.
He didn’t say it ___ a nice way.
He didn’t say it in a nice way.