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USA quiz 8A

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the official language of the United States?
There isn't one (a bill was introduced in 2017 in an attempt to make English the official language)
In which state would you find the city called London? a) Maine b) Alaska c) Ohio d) New Jersey
If it is 6 a.m. in New York, what time is it in Los Angeles? a) 6 a.m. b) 6 p.m. c) 3 a.m. d) 9 a.m.
3 a.m.
In which city is Alcatraz located?
San Francisco
Name an American Indian tribe.
Cherokee, Navajo, Sioux, Cheynne, Blackfoot, Apache
Which cartoon character has the famous catchphrase 'What's up, Doc?'
Bugs Bunny
The British say biscuit. What do the Americans call it?
What is the name of the national anthem of the United States?
Star-Spangled Banner
In which US city might you walk along The Strip?
Las Vegas
Which state has the nickname 'The Land of the Midnight Sun'?
How much is a nickel?
5 cents
What can you see at Mount Rushmore?
A sculpture depicting 4 former US presidents (Washingon, Jefferson, Rooselvet and Lincoln)
Which southern city is famous for jazz?
New Orleans
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from which country?
Which ocean is off the Californian coast?
the Pacific
What is the largest state by area?
What is the smallest state by area? a) New Jersey b) Delaware c) Connecticut d) Rhode Island
Rhode Island
What is the second most spoken language in America?
From which state does 2016 first NHL draft pick Auston Matthews come from?
Scottsdale, Arizona
Donald Trump is the ___ US president? a) 43rd b) 44th c) 45th d) 46th
The Declaration of Independence was signed in ... (year)?
The song is 'Born in the USA'. Who is the artist?
Bruce Springsteen
In which team does Jesse Puljujärvi play?
Edmonton Oilers
What state lies to the south of Georgia?