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Russia 2017

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Name two items or artists specific to Russian culture.
Kandinsky, Chagall, Faberge Eggs, Nesting Dolls, etc
Name three animals that were native to Siberia?
Reindeer, Arctic Fox, Polar Bear, etc
What was the name of the tribal people who live in Siberia?
What is the name of Russia's largest lake?
What is the Russian word for "king"?
Explain the difference between Free Market and Command economies.
Free Market: freedom to own private businesses, Command: government control
List three characteristics of unlimited government.
Rule by one, dictator, no rights, etc.
List three characteristics of limited government.
Freedom to vote, protest, own property, etc.
What is an urban center, and where are they located in Russia?
city, western Russia
Where are natural resources located in Russia, and what are two examples of those?
Siberia (East), iron, gold, coal, diamonds, etc
What is a characteristic of culture?
Shared beliefs
Name three things that can be culturally borrowed.
Beliefs, Foods, Holidays, Customs, etc
Who were the leaders of Russia during 1900, 1950, and 2000?
Nicholas II, Joseph Stalin, and Vladimir Putin
What were the government types of Russia during 1900, 1950, and 2000?
Absolute Monarchy, Communism, and Democratic Republic
What natural boundary separates Europe and Asia?
Ural Mountains