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Future Predictions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Reorganise: Will / where / go / you / holiday /this / on / year?
Where will you go on holiday this year?
Reorganise: won't / we / Martin / help / cheat / on the maths test
We won't help Martin cheat on the maths test
Re-organise: vaccination/ have/ the Covid 19/will/everyone/by 2022
Everyone will have the Covid 19 vaccination by 2022
How many times do you think you will fall in love in your life?
Free answer
Do you think you will live abroad in the future?
Free answer
How will global warming affect the planet?
Free answer
Do you think we will discover alien life in the next 200 years?
Free answer
What do you think you will look like when you're 30?
Free answer
What _____ (be/you) in the future
I will be a _____ (job)
In 100 years, we __________ (eat) meat
In 100 years, we will/won't eat (eat) meat
In the future what will cars look like?
free answer
I think (say someone's name) ___________ (have) 5 children
I think X will/won't have 5 children
I ____________ (get) a good grade in English at the end of the year
I will/won't get a good grade in English at the end of the year
In the year 2090, we _____________ (read/books)
In the year 2090, we will/won't read books