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Grade 3 Book 1 Story 04

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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VERB. Moves or hits quickly and suddenly. "Walking can be hard when the wind _ _ _ _ _ around corners."
VERB. Walks without lifting the feet off the ground. "My little brother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when he doesn't want to leave."
ADJECTIVE. The younger or smaller of two. "Ralphie was a _ _ _ _ _ _ version of his father, Clancy."
NOUN. A group of people or animals close together. "The puppies were cold so they snuggles together in a _ _ _ _ _ _ . VERB. To gather close together. "The students had to _ _ _ _ _ _ up to keep warm."
NOUN. Fine, soft feathers. "During cold winter nights, the best way to stay warm is under a quilt filled with _ _ _ _ ."
ADJECTIVE. Very strong or violent. "The _ _ _ _ _ _ hurricane affected the whole state."
VERB. Repeats a sound. " I can hear the bird's screech as it _ _ _ _ _ across the valley."