Edit Game
Present Continuous Tense - negatives and interro ...

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Change the following affirmative sentence into interrogative sentence (Wh- question): Susan is staying at her grandparents' house this week. (Where.... ?)
Where is Susan staying this week?
Change the following affirmative sentence into interrogative sentence (Wh-question): Their son is wearing a hoodie and jeans. (What......?)
What is their son wearing?
Change the following affirmative sentence into interrogative sentence (yes/no question): His sister is wearing a ponytail.
Is his sister wearing a ponytail?
Change the following affirmative sentence into interrogative sentence (yes/no question): Sam is painting a picture.
Is Sam painting a picture?
Change the following affirmative sentence into negative sentence: They are working.
They aren't working.
Change the following affirmative sentence into interrogative sentence (yes/no question): They are studying Maths.
Are they studying Maths?
Change the following affirmative sentence into interrogative sentence (yes/no question): He is writing an email.
Is he writing an email?
Change the following affirmative sentence into negative sentence: The students are talking to their teacher.
The students aren't talking to their teacher.
Change the following affirmative sentence into interrogative sentence (yes/no question): Jade is sending a text message.
Is Jade sending a text message?
Change the following affirmative sentence into negative sentence: The cat is sleeping.
The cat isn't sleeping.
Change the following affirmative sentence into negative sentence: She is wearing a green dress.
She isn't wearing a green dress.
Change the following affirmative sentence into interrogative sentence (yes/no question): We are listening to music.
Are we / you listening to music?
Change the following affirmative sentence into negative sentence: Trevor is playing football.
Trevor isn't playing football.
Change the following affirmative sentence into negative sentence: I am sitting in the living room.
I am not sitting in the living room.
Change the following affirmative sentence into negative sentence: Peter and Emily are doing their homework.
Peter and Emily aren't doing their homework.
Change the following affirmative sentence into negative sentence: He is having lunch.
He isn't having lunch.