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Audiovisual vocabulary

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A summary of the script is called a pitch or a _____.
In a tight shot, the camera moves _____ to the subject.
In a high angle shot, the subject is photographed from _____ eye level.
In a _____ angle shot, the subject is photographed from below eye level.
Another term for long shot is _____ shot.
Key light is the _____ light used in front of a person.
What is a shotgun microphone used for?
background sounds
A superior shot is when you shoot a scene from _____.
What is the rule of thirds?
It's when you divide the shot into three sections.
When you _____, the camera head moves sideways.
An omnidirectional microphone gathers _____ from _____ directions.
An omnidirectional microphone gathers sound from many directions.
What is a cutaway?
It's when you cut one part to show another part in the scene
What does CU stand for?
What is a boom?
a pole that holds the microphone above the scene
What is 4k video?
high-resolution displays that have a minimum number of pixels, about four times as many as a standard HDTV.
What is 360-video?
It's total panoramic video with a growing list of practical and experimental applications, including Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and 3-D views.
A computer technology that uses visualizations to create simulated and immersive environments that can be explored is called _____.
virtual reality
A free-standing display designed to invite engagement and interaction with content is called an _____.
interactive kiosk
What does HDMI stand for?
high-definition multimedia interface
What does BYOD stand for?
bring your own device
What type of microphone does not need a cable to transmit sound, and instead uses radio signals?.
a wireless microphone
What do you call the process of making changes to recorded video to remove unwanted video or to add video, titles, logos, sound effects, and music?
video editing
This device is used primarily in the studio to allow a presenter to look into a camera and see text or their presentation at the same time.
a teleprompter
_____ projection is when the projector’s beam projects to the screen from the audience side or front of the display.
_____ projection is when the projector’s beam projects onto the screen from behind.
What type of video file format compresses and reduces the file size from the original version while delivering a good quality reproduction?
This allows for the removal of the color green from the video spectrum so that the green background can be replaced with something else, such as a photo or video of another location.
a green screen
What is a shotgun microphone?
It's a long, cylindrical, highly sensitive, unidirectional microphone used to pick up sound from a great distance.
What is the most common computer memory used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on?
RAM (random access memory)
F-stop represents how much _____ is able to pass through the _____.
light; lens
Compression is the action of air molecules moving _____ together permitting audible sound.
An electrical representation of sound is called an _____ signal.
An opening in a lens regulating the amount of light passing through the lens is called an _____.
What do you call lenses that allow the operator to adjust focal length for sizing or distance?
zoom lenses
A sound that has the same energy level at all frequencies is called _____.
white noise
The viewing cone is the _____ viewing area for the audience.
What are tweeters?
loudspeakers that have high frequencies, typically 2,000 Hz – 20,000 Hz
Which video signal is also known as Y/C? (Y is the luminance and C is the chrominance)
A microphone which is placed on a table to pick up sound is called a ______ mount microphone.
What are subwoofers?
loudspeakers that reproduce lower frequencies, typically 20 Hz – 200 Hz
With _______ video or audio, a web user does not have to wait to download a large file before seeing the video or hearing the sound.
A splitter is _______
an electronic device that divides a signal into different pieces to route to different devices
The ________ the signal to noise (S/N) ratio, the better the quality of the sound or picture.
What is resolution?
1. The amount of detail in an image. 2. The number of picture elements (pixels) in a display.
What does PDP stand for?
plasma display panel
What do you call the small element used to build a digital image?
a pixel
What does MPEG-2 refer to?
a compression scheme that reduces the number of bits needed to code the video image
A _____ converts composite or S-Video signals, along with corresponding audio signals, into modulated signals on a carrier channel.
What do you call a device for blending multiple audio sources?
a mixer
What does LED stand for?
light emitting diode
What does LCD stand for?
liquid crystal display
What type of light do remote controls and other wireless devices use?
infrared light (IR)
What does HDTV stand for?
high-definition television
What is focal length?
It is the distance, in millimeters, between the center of a lens and the point where the image comes into focus.
Which technology uses glass or plastic threads or wires to transmit information?
fiber optic
What do you call unwanted noise caused by the loop of an audio system’s output back to its input?
What is depth-of-field?
The area in front of a camera lens that is in focus from the closest item to the camera to the furthest away.
What is closed circuit television (CCTV)?
It's a system of transmitting video signals from the point of origin to single or multiple points equipped to receive signals.
A measure of information carrying capacity without distortion is called _____.
An electronic device for increasing the strength of electrical signals is called _____.
an amplifier
Sound that is extraneous to the intentional audio (background noise) is called _____.
ambient noise
All light in a viewing room produced by sources other than the display is called _____.
ambient light