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Women's Day paraphrases - 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If he had stuck to his ideas and hadn't stolen hers, he wouldn't have been given a pay rise. Had...
Had he stuck to his ideas and hadn't stolen hers, he wouldn't have been given a pay rise.
The truth about their relationship didn't go public until many months later. Not until...
Not until many months later did the truth about their relationship go public.
You should really stop worrying about being single. It's high...
It's high time you stopped worrying about being single.
People say a woman is to be loved, not understood. A woman...
A woman is said to be loved, not understood.
It's a pity I dropped out of university. If only...
If only I hadn't dropped out of university.
I'm sure he didn't pop the question. He...
He can't have popped the question.
It is possible that she went on maternity leave. She...
She could/may/might have gone on maternity leave.
She is the directress of the whole department because she signed a huge contract with the Japanese investors. If she...
If she hadn't signed a huge contract with the Japanese investors, she wouldn't be the directress of the whole department.
Providing you clean up after yourselves, I don't mind who you invite to your room. As.....
As long as you clean up after yourselves, I don't mind who you invite to your room.
The only thing she can't stand in her company is gender injustice. ... BUT...
She can stand everything in her company but gender injustice.