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Amazing Rooftops 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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All animals drink...
Some animals eat...
Some animals eat...
Some animals eat...
What are these?
They are insects (a butterfly and bees)
Some animals eat...
What is he doing? What time is it?
He's going to bed. It is 11 P.M.
What are they doing? What time is it?
They are having dinner. It is 7 PM.
What are they doing? What time is it? 
They are having lunch. It is 1:30 P.M./half past one. 
What is he doing? What time is it? 
He is having breakfast. It is 8 A.M. 
What is he doing?
He is going to work. 
What is he doing?
He is getting dressed. 
What is he doing? What time is it?
He is getting up. It is 7 A.M.
What's the matter?
She has a toothache.
What's the matter?
She has a stomachache. 
What's the matter?
He has a headache. 
What's the matter?
He has an earache.
What's the matter?
She has a cough.
What's the matter?
He has a cold. 
What subject is this?
What subject is this?
What subject is this?
What subject is this?
What subject is this?
What subject is this?
What subject is this?
What subject is this?
What sport is this?
What sport is this?
What sport is this?
What sport is this?
What sport is this?
What sport is this?
What sport is she playing?
She is playing tennis. 
What sport is she doing?
She is doing gymnastics. 
What sport is this?
What sport are they doing?
They are doing judo. 
What sport is he playing? 
He is playing basketball. 
What sport is he doing?
He is doing archery.
What sport is he playing?
He is playing golf. 
What place in the city is this? Where can we find one in Madrid?
a train station
What place in the city is this? Where can we find one in Madrid? 
a town hall
What place in the city is this? Where can we find one in Madrid?
a theatre
What place in the city is this? Where can we find one in Madrid? 
a petrol station
What place in the city is this? Where can we find one in Madrid? 
a museum
What place in the city is this? Where can we find one in Madrid? 
a hotel
What place in the city is this? Where can we find one in Madrid? 
a hospital
What place in the city is this?
a bank
What is he doing?
He is watching a film / watch a film
What is she doing?
She is taking photos.
What is he doing?
He is sleeping.