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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When would Pinocchio's nose shrink (get smaller)?
When he tells the truth.
What did Fox and Cat tell Pinocchio to trick him and take all his money?
To plant his coins under a magic tree.
What did the Blue Fairy do to Pinocchio when he and his father arrived home?
She turned Pinocchio into a real boy.
Pinocchio saved his father from a big _______ .
What did Pinocchio and his father build to escape from inside of the whale?
a raft
Who did swallow Pinocchio when he fell into the sea?
a big whale
How did Pinocchio change when the boys turned into donkeys?
Pinocchio grew donkey's ears and tail.
The boys began to turn into __________ in the circus.
Pinocchio went to the circus with some boys. They ate lots of __________ .
Why did Pinocchio's nose grow?
Because he lied.
Who did try to trick Pinocchio in order to take his money?
Fox and Cat
How many bronze coins was Pinocchio paid for the puppet show?
5 bronze coins
Who did cast the spell on the puppet Pinocchio?
Blue Fairy
What Pinocchio was made of?
Who did make Pinocchio?
Who is this?