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Rachel the Clever.

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does "boasting" mean?
To show off or to brag about the things you have.
What does "release" mean?
To set something free or to let it go.
What does "obey" mean?
To do as someone says.
What does "judgment" mean?
To decide if someone is right or wrong.
What does "vowed" mean?
What is an Inn?
A place for travelers to stay in the middle ages.
Where is Poland?
What type of literature is Rachel the Clever?
A folk tale.
What is a "peasant"
A poor farmer.
What does "weep" or "Wail"
To cry.
What does "Hoisted" mean?
What is the name for a female horse?
A mare.
Why was the king angry at Rachel?
Because she broke their arrangement.
What was Rachel's dearest possession?
The king.
What is the name for a baby horse?
Did Rachel agree to marry the king?
Why was the gift not a gift?
Because the doves flew away.
After the king asks his second riddle what did Rachel request her father to bring her?
A goat, a fishnet and two doves.
What is the dearest thing?
What is the richest thing?
Life-giving earth
What is the fastest thing?
What job did Rachel's father have?
He was an Innkeeper.
What type of woman did the king want to marry?
A women as clever as he is.
Who wrote the adaptation of Rachel the Clever?
Josepha Sherman/
What country is Rachel the Clever from?