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English Class A2 Shopping

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Look! This laptop bag is as cheap _____ a schoolbag! It's a special offer.
Look! This laptop bag is as cheap as a schoolbag! It's a special offer.
This portable charger is _____ as expensive as the one from Media Expert.
This portable charger is not as expensive as the one from Media Expert.
The size of the laptop is the problem. This laptop is _____ big.
The size of the laptop is the problem. This laptop is too big.
This laptop isn't ______ small as that one, but I like it.
This laptop isn't as small as that one, but I like it.
Look at this laptop. I think it's fast _______ for games.
Look at this laptop. I think it's fast enough for games.
My laptop is _______ slow to play video games.
My laptop is too slow to play video games.
They've got new trainers at the shorts shop/chemist's.
They've got new trainers at the shorts shop/chemist's.
Dad doesn't want to stand in the offer/queue.
Dad doesn't want to stand in the queue.
Let's get some bread at the bookshop/baker's.
Let's get some bread at the baker's.
I'd like to pay by/in card.
I'd like to pay by card.
Don't forget to check the price/list to see how much it costs.
Don't forget to check the price to see how much it costs.
I always ask for a r _ _ _ _ _ _ and check the prices.
I always ask for a receipt and check the prices.
Mum's got some c _ _ _.
Mum's got some cash.
There's a lot of food in the shopping t _ _ _ _ _ _.
There's a lot of food in the shopping trolley.
Here's your c_ _ _ _ _.
Here's your change.
I can carry the shopping b_ _ _ _ _, Mum!
I can carry the shopping basket, Mum!
Maria is a c_ _ _ _ _ _ at the supermarket.
Maria is a cashier at the supermarket.