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Order in the Court!

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T/F: Eyewitness testimony is the most reliable testimony.
T/F: The number of death penalty executions has been increasing over time.
The process of voir dire refers to:
the selection of juries and the ability to question them
The Rule of 4 applies to the Supreme Court how?
It is the number of justices needed to decide to hear a case
Progressive cases are usually decided by a broad interpretation of the law called:
judicial activism
We used Captain America and Iron Man to describe a court system concept. What is it and can you explain it?
Consensus v. adversarial Cooperation vs. competition
This is the list or jury pool that potential jurors can be selected from.
A venire
A capital case uses what sort of trial?
A bifurcated trial
T/F: The majority of criminal cases are resolved through plea bargaining.
This is where a judge alone rules on the facts of a case.
A bench trial
The merit selection plan for judges is also called the:
Missouri Plan
Presenting your case pro se means presenting your case:
Without the aid of a lawyer
What does the dual court system mean?
We have a distinct federal and a distinct state court system.
This is the supreme law of the land in the U.S.
U.S. Constitution
T/F: The government and individual states must allow for automatic DNA testing in the case of a capital appeal.
What percentage of offenders meet the standards of indigency?
Who is the single most powerful person in the American criminal justice system?
The prosecutor
What Supreme Court case abolished the death penalty in the United States?
Furman v. Georgia
The exchange of evidence between prosecutor and defense attorney prior to trial, with the goal of promoting a fair trial is known as:
Original jurisdiction means what?
A court that can hear a case for the first time and issue rulings on guilt or innocence
T/F: All states have both an intermediate court of appeals as well as a court of last resort.
T/F: When all of the justices on the U.S. Court of Appeals or the U.S. Supreme Court sit together to hear a case, this is referred to as hearing a case en rule.
How many cases do the Supreme Court hear each year?
80 to 90 cases
Imagine that a murder took place at IUE. If the defense requested to have the trial in nearby Henry County to avoid the shock of having a trial in Richmond, this would be what?
A change of venue
What did the Manhattan Bail Project deal with?
It dealt with Release on Recognizance (ROR) and whether defendants that had been released on bail with ROR would be less likely to show up to court
T/F Courts higher in the judicial hierarchy perform the bulk of adjudications.
This is when a prosecutor or defense attorney can dismiss a potential juror without specifying why
Peremptory challenge
This term means that a prisoner petitioning the court has a valid complaint.
The right to an attorney is guaranteed by which Amendment?
The Sixth Amendment