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gerunds vs infinitives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What about ___________________ (have) a last drink ?
The firemen managed _____________ the fire pretty quickly. ( to put out )
to put out
Clare offered _____________ me to the airport, which was very kind of her. ( to take )
to take
Dad threatened _____________ my pocket money if I didn't do my homework. ( to stop )
to stop
I can't stand _____________ in the queue at the baker's. ( to wait )
I always put off _____________ my homework until the last possible moment. (to do)
He deserves _____________ severely punished. ( to be )
to be
My brother denied _____________ my chocolate mousse. Maybe his hamster ate it. ( to eat )
My Mum demanded _____________ the manager. ( to see )
to see
I long _____________ in Scotland again. ( to be )
to be
I always try to avoid _____________ him whenever I can. ( to see )
We arranged _____________ under the station clock at half nine. ( to meet )
to meet
The teenager refused _________________ (go) on holiday with his parents.
to go
Do you recall _________________ (meet) her at the party last week?
Julia reported _________________ (see) the boys to the police.
I expect _________________ (be) there about seven.
to be
He claims _________________ (be) a millionaire but I don’t believe him.
to be
He denies _________________ (steal) the money.
A wedding involves _________________ (negotiate) with everyone in the family.
I anticipate _________________ (arrive) on Tuesday.
They tolerate_________________ (smoke) but they prefer people not to.
Can you imagine_________________ (live) without TV?
I pretended _________________ (be) sick so I didn’t have to go to work.
to be
We intend _________________ (go) to the countryside this weekend.
to go
It appears _________________ (be) raining.
to be